TypeScript 學習筆記:進階應用

Type Inference 型別推論

如果沒有明確的指定型別,TypeScript 會依照『型別推論』的規則推斷出型別

// 自動判定 string 型別
let num = 'hello';
num = 777;
// Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

如果定義的時候沒有賦值,會被推斷為 any 型別

// 自動判定 any 型別
let something;
something = 777;
something = '777';

Union Types 聯合型別

使用 | 符號來表示多種可能的型別

let price: number | string;
price = 1000;
price = '1000';
price = true; // Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string | number'

Type 型別別名

type A = number | string;
type B = (param: string) => string;

let a1: A;
a1 = 999;
a1 = '999';
a1 = false; // Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'A'

Interface 介面

定義物件或陣列的型別,跟上面 type 功能類似,差別在 interface 可以『擴充』


  • 可選屬性:範例 isMale?: boolean
  • 任意屬性:範例 [ propName: string ]: any
  • 唯讀屬性:使用 readonly 定義唯讀屬性,若初始化後再次賦值會報錯
interface User {
readonly id: number;
name: string;
isMale?: boolean;
[ propName: string ]: any;

// 擴充
interface User {
age: number

const obj: User = {
id: 1,
name: 'Claire',
age: 18,
isMale: false

obj.id = 2; // Cannot assign to 'id' because it is a read-only property


interface Users {
[ index: number ]: string

const users: Users = [ 'Daniel', 'Claire', 'Andy', 'Avery' ];


interface SearchUser {
(arr: string[], name: string): boolean

const searchName: SearchUser = function(arr: string[], name: string) {
return arr.includes(name);

console.log(searchName([ 'Daniel', 'Claire' ], 'Daniel')); // output: true

Tuple 元組型別


let tuple: [ number, string, boolean ] = [ 1, 'a', true ];
let tuple2: [ string, string ][] = [ [ 'a', 'b' ] ];

Enum 列舉型別


enum Alert { success, warning, danger }

列舉項目預設會從 0 開始遞增賦值,列舉 key 跟值會反向對映

console.log(Alert.success); // output: 0
console.log(Alert[1]); // output: warning


enum Alert {
success = 1,
warning = 0,
danger = -1

console.log(Alert.success); // output: 1
console.log(Alert[1]); // output: success

// output:
// {
// 1: 'success',
// 0: 'warning',
// -1: 'danger',
// success: 1,
// warning: 0,
// danger: -1
// }


enum Alert {
success = 'green' as any,
warning = 'yellow' as any,
danger = 'red' as any

console.log(Alert.green); // output: success

Generics 泛型

在函式或是 class 後面加上 <T> 或是 <Type> 表示動態型別(名稱自訂),於調用時將型別傳入,讓型別更加靈活

function print<T>(data: T) {
print<number>(999); // output: 999
print<string>('1000'); // output: '1000'

class Print<T> {
data: T
constructor(d: T) {
this.data = d;
const p = new Print<number>(1000);
const p2 = new Print<boolean>(true);
console.log('p', p); // output: Print { data: 1000 }
console.log('p2', p2); // output: Print { data: true }

Type Assertion 型別斷言



const user = {
name: 'Claire',
age: 20,
gender: 'female'

function userInfo(param: string) {
return user[param]; // Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{ name: string; age: number; gender: string; }'.

param 有可能不存在 user key 值,因此拋錯,可以加上斷言如下

function userInfo(param: string) {
return user[param as keyof typeof user];


function toBoolean(something: string | number): boolean {
return something; // Type 'string | number' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.

直接調整成 as boolean 依舊會拋錯

function toBoolean(something: string | number): boolean {
return something as boolean; // Conversion of type 'string | number' to type 'boolean' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.

因為 something 預先被定義為 string | number,跟 boolean 沒有關聯,必須先斷言成 unknown

function toBoolean(something: string | number): boolean {
return something as unknown as boolean;
console.log(toBoolean(123)); // output: 123

前面提到斷言不會進行型別轉型,因此結果並不會變成 boolean

ES6 Class 與建構函式

如果對 ES6 Class 尚不熟悉,可以參考 這篇文章

TypeScript Class 修飾符

  • public:公有的,可以在任何地方使用,預設屬性跟方法皆為 public
  • private:私有的,不能在類別的外部調用(ex: new 實體或是 extends 繼承)
  • protected:受保護的,extends 繼承可以調用,但 new 實體不能調用

public & protected 只存在於 typescript,通常使用於開法階段(避免共同開發時異動到程式碼),編譯成 javascript 後沒什麼作用,因 js 不存在這兩個類型

class Live {
public roomName: string
private id: string
protected name: string

constructor(roomName1: string, id1: string, name1: string) {

this.roomName = roomName1;
this.id = id1;
this.name = name1;

const live = new Live('no.1', '00001', 'Daniel');
console.log(live); // output: Live { roomName: 'no.1', id: '00001', name: 'Daniel' }

如果需要使用私有變數,可以改用 javascript 的變數前綴 #

class Live2 {
// js 私有變數
constructor(name: string) {
this.#name = name;

const live2 = new Live2('Daniel');
console.log(live2); // output: Live2 {}

Class & Interface

因類別可以繼承其他類別,有時類別間有共同的特性,可以提取出來作為介面共用(對類別的一部分行為進行抽象),並用 implements 來實現

interface Eat {
eat(): string;

class Animal {
name: string;
constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;

class Person extends Animal implements Eat {
constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
eat() {
return `${this.name} is eating food`;

const daniel = new Person('Daniel');
console.log(daniel.eat()); // output: Daniel is eating food


class Person implements Eat, Sleep {


interface Animal {
eat(): string;

interface Dog extends Animal {
bark(): string;

const Coco: Dog = {
eat() {
return 'eating';
bark() {
return 'barking';




TypeScript 學習筆記:基本介紹與型別 TypeScript 學習筆記:常用 Utility Types


Nuxt3 入門-打造 SSR 專案 新書上市
Nuxt3 入門:打造 SSR 專案
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